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Snezana Bosnjak
Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia,
European School of Oncology (ESO)/European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
Faculty: Supportive & Palliative Care, Serbia

Dr Stavros Memtsoudis
MD, PhD, MBA, Chief of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Management, HSS
Main Hospital and is Board certified in anesthesiology and critical care medicine.
Special Expertise Perioperative Care of the Patient with Cardiopulmonary Disease, Cardiopulmonary Complications Following Orthopaedic Surgery,
Outcomes of Bilateral Joint Replacement, National Database Outcome Research

Dr Nuala Lucas
Consultant Anaesthetist Anaesthetic Lead for Labour Ward
London North West Healthcare NHS Trust

Panagiota Sykioti
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, MRCPsych, Aimis Clinic, Limassol

Dr Simon Thomson
Consultant in pain medicine and neuromodulation
Clinical Lead of Pain and Neuromodulation at BTUH and MSE NHSFT,
Pain and Neuromodulation Consulting Ltd
The London Clinic and Nuffield Health, Brentwood, Essex

Gina Votta-Velis MD, PhD.
Program Director: Pain Medicine Fellowship Department of Anesthesiology
Department of Surgery
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine

Dr. Morné Wolmarans MBChB FRCA EDRA
Consultant Anaesthetist
EDRA Chairman
ESRA Board Member

Panagiotis Zis
Associate Professor of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology,
University of Cyprus